Thursday, December 30, 2010

Riley Recovering at the University of Minnesota

Well, it turns out Riley had a herniated disc in his neck .  The bulging disc was pressing on his spinal cord which caused partial paralysis in his limbs, especially his hind legs.  The fantastic surgeons at the University of Minnesota were able to remove the disc material that was causing all of his problems, and now he is recovering there and is doing very well.  It will take some time for the function to return to his hind legs, but he is able to move all four legs and has good sensation in them as well.  We're not sure when he can come home yet, but his vet, Heidi,  is wonderful and we completely adore her.  We feel comfortable he is in good, safe, caring hands with her.  He is charming everyone he comes into contact with.  He is such a doll.  Heidi herself stated, "He has pretty much stolen my heart", to which I responded, "I'm not surprised in the least!"  We are so lucky and relieved things have gone as well as they have.  Too many times we have been on the sad end of things as far as our beloved animals are concerned.  So it is a blessing that Riley's ok and getting steadily better.  Thank you god, and thank you everyone that prayed for Riley and for us.  Hug your pets tonight.  They open up the world to us.


  1. Hi, you don't know us but Julia does. We're Jane and Nele and as fellow lab lovers we've been following this story with much trepidation. How fantastic to read the news on both your blogs.

    Give the big guy a kiss from us and I hope he's able to return home soon.

    Happy New Year. Keep it simple.


  2. I love the pictures, but I love the fact that Riley's doing well a heck of a lot more!!

  3. Hi Jane, Riley just keeps improving by leaps and bounds every day. He's still at the U of M, but we're expecting him to come home early this week. He was so happy to see us this morning, and seems so much like his usual self. His rear legs are coming along just like they should and his energy level is great. We're so thankful that things have turned out so well for him. He's just a big gentle doll. Thank you for your kind words and support.
